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Праграма Belarus Beehive адкрывае прыём праектных заявак на падтрымку журналісцкіх расследаванняў па выкрыцці карупцыі, абыходу санкцыяў, схаваных механізмаў функцыянавання ўладаў, рэпрэсій супраць грамадзянскай супольнасці, удзелу ў знешняй агрэсіі
і адказных за пералічанае.

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The Belarus Beehive programme opens a call for proposals to support journalist investigations revealing corruption, sanctions evasion, inner workings of authorities, repressions against civil society, involvement in the external aggression and those responsible for the latter.


We are interested in developing the capacities of Belarusian reporters including open source intelligence (OSINT) skills, and conventional investigative reporting, with a focus on crime and corruption.This call is intended for media organisations only. A portfolio of previous investigative stories is desirable.

Application deadline

All applications must be submitted by July 10 2023 23:59 CET


Project activities are expected to start on 1 September 2023 and end on 30 October 2023 at the latest. 


The minimal duration of the project is not limited but is not likely to be less than one month, the maximum project period is limited to 2 months.


The grants may range from 6.000 EUR (minimum amount) to 8.000 EUR (maximum amount).


This call is open for media organisations only. Recipients must have an appropriate financial management system in place to ensure proper reporting and monitoring, be able to provide the necessary documentation to justify expenditure, or be willing to undergo training in financial management.

The application form shall consist of two mandatory documents:


1) A filled in proposal form

2) A budget in euros (fill in only fields marked yellow) 


The application form shall be completed in Belarusian, Russian or English

Project proposals should only be submitted to




- ambitiousness of the investigative goal

- realism of set goals

- forethought of the evidence and action plan

- significance of the topic

- previous experience and reputation of the media in the relevant field

Assessment of applications will take into account the following factors:

The winners of the competition will be announced on 4 August 2023.

Type of projects

In education

Support to civic education initiatives, support to private schools, teachers’ communities and associations, communities of parents, etc. to provide quality, modern and propaganda-free education or courses; introduction of innovations in learning environment (including ‘edtech’); support to increase educational institutions’ autonomy and participatory management, and so on.

In local governance and local communities

Supporting actions of local courtyard initiatives and newly-formed or revived Territorial Public Self-Government bodies aimed at solving local problems and addressing local needs; holding public discussions dedicated to the reforms of local governance; supporting activities around local elections, and so on. Field activities of local residents to improve local living conditions and self-organising in various formats;


In culture

Support to creative projects of repressed artists and culture groups; providing emergency funding; testing new mixed models of financing culture; providing support to professional associations in the sphere of culture and culture hubs; development of heritage communities.

For trade unions and in the labour and social sphere

Awareness-raising and recruitment campaigns for trade unions; organisation and support of new trade union cells and their actions, and so on.


For investigative journalism

Investigations which shed lights on inner workings of authorities, on post-election events, repressions which ensued, and those responsible for the latter.

However, this is not a closed list of topics and directions, Belarus Beehive is open to innovative proposals.

Examples of activities

  • Core organisational support (staff, premises, equipment, ICT and communication tools, etc.)

  • Meetings, seminars, workshops, conferences, laboratories, schools, hackathons, summer camps, public consultations, etc.

  • Solidarity campaigns and actions in Belarus and internationally

  • Advocacy and information campaigns in Belarus and internationally

  • ICT product development; creative products development

  • Development of solutions allowing participation of vulnerable groups in public life

  • Development and dissemination of educational and outreach materials

  • Development and dissemination of assessments and public policy documents

  • Journalistic investigations of corruption, police violence, political and economic matters, etc.


Projects with innovative elements (for example social or technological innovations for approaching the target groups), pilot projects with potential for replication on a larger scale will be given a priority

Belarus Beehive will primarily support activities that for the most part are taking place in Belarus or at least benefit and support people in Belarus.

Люди Walking

We wish you good luck and courage in regaining your country and building a new democratic Belarus!

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